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Facts & Figures
See container activity (TEUs) and performance from the Port of Oakland, the ninth busiest container port in the United States. View interactive charts or download PDFs by month or year.
Tariff 2-A
Please click below to view or download the Port of Oakland’s Tariff 2-A by section. The Port of Oakland’s Tariff is also available at www.dpiusa.com (registration required).

Property for Lease
The Oakland Seaport continues to develop marine terminals, rail terminals, warehouses, distribution centers, and ancillary maritime services facilities. For more information on properties and availability, please visit our contact page or reach out to Eric Napralla, Chief Wharfinger through our contact page
Seaport Directory
Contact information for Oakland Seaport staff responsible for administration, project management, operations, security, and harbor facilities.
Doing Business with the Port
We are a major job-creating, economic engine for the region. In concert with our many business partners, we generate tax revenues that fuel local and regional commerce and fund major infrastructure. Established in 1927 as a public agency, governed by the Oakland Board of Port Commissioners, we receive no local tax dollars. Revenue comes from our three core businesses – aviation, commercial real estate, and maritime.
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See container activity (TEUs) and performance from the Port of Oakland, the ninth busiest container port in the United States. View interactive charts or download PDFs by month or year.