Transportation Worker Identification Certification (TWIC)

TWIC is Required at the Port of Oakland

What Is TWIC?

TWIC is the Transportation Worker Identification Credential. It is a federal government ID that all port workers and truckers need to obtain.

Who Needs TWIC?

  • Anyone who works in secure areas of marine terminals and
    needs unescorted access
  • Includes truckers, longshore labor, terminal and port workers, vendors and contractors


TWIC toll-free number

Online Enrollment

Pre-enrollment will allow TWIC applicants to get an appointment, so they don’t have to wait in line at the enrollment center.

Or by Phone: 1-855-347-8371

In-Person Enrollment

Office hours are Monday through Friday 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM.

TWIC Enrollment Center


What is required to enroll?

  • Fill out an application online, or in person at the enrollment center
  • Provide identity documents. Click here for more information.
  • To renew your TWIC follow the same steps as a new applicant.

Usually no. Insurance and security issues prevent shipping lines from offering passenger service.

For more information on disqualifications go to Disqualifying Offenses Factors.

For more information on the status of your application go to Application Status Check.