About These Resources
Your one-stop shop for Port of Oakland Truck Resources The Port of Oakland provides resources for our truck partners. Whether it’s signing up for the Port’s official truck registry, renewing your TWIC card, or getting real-time marine terminal turn times, this page is your one-stop shop for trucking resources. We also have a Trucking Customer Service center located at 1425 Maritime Street in Oakland, California. You can call the center at (510) 267-1802 between 7 a.m. and 4 p.m. daily. Or you can reach out via email at: [email protected]
Transportation Worker Identification Certification (TWIC)
TWIC is Required at the Port of Oakland. TWIC is the Transportation Worker Identification Credential. It is a federal government ID that all port workers and truckers need to obtain.
Frequently Asked Questions
Usually no. Insurance and security issues prevent shipping lines from offering passenger service.
Where do I get a TWIC?
Oakland TWIC Enrollment Center
- 1101 Marina Village Parkway Alameda, CA 94501
Monday - Friday
8:30 a.m - 12:00 p.m. &
1:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. - 1-855-347-8371
- TWIC Help Desk
Secure Truck Enrollment Program (STEP)
The Port of Oakland seeks to increase maritime safety and security domain awareness, outreach capabilities, and general knowledge of the trucking entities and trucking operations conducted on Seaport property.
To this achieve this goal, the Port is implementing a Port truck registry. The Port Registry has two components:
- A Secure Truck Enrollment Program (STEP) Agreement to be filed by the Licensed Motor Carrier (LMC) engaged in drayage activities at the Seaport; and
- A registry (database) of LMC, truck, and truck driver information
Only LMCs and trucks associated with those LMCs that have submitted a STEP Agreement and have entered their truck and driver information into the Port Registry database will be able to serve the Seaport facilities. Seaport facilities are defined as marine terminal, railyard, and other facilities where drayage trucks operate (“non-marine terminals”) in the Seaport, not including truck parking and maintenance facilities.

Comprehensive Truck Management Program
The Port of Oakland’s Maritime Comprehensive Truck Management Program (CTMP) has been developed to comprehensively address security, air quality, business and operations, and community issues related to trucking operations at the Port of Oakland maritime facilities (Seaport).
In developing the CTMP, the Port balanced its economic role as a competitively positioned global gateway for the United States economy with its commitment to environmental and social responsibility, specifically as related to maritime-related trucking (drayage). The Port is committed to balancing the needs of its customers with those of its neighboring community to improve commerce and quality of life for those living and working in and around the Seaport.
- STEP Registry
- Clean Trucks
- CTMP Contacts
Shipping Forms & Permits
Utilizing specialized equipment and under permit from the City and Port of Oakland, trucks weighing up to 95,000 lbs. may move within the Port Area. This provides for an increase of up to 15,000 lbs. in cargo weight to be carried. For information regarding a Port of Oakland Heavyweight Permit, please e-mail the Chief Wharfinger using the form to the right.
Hazmat Permits
The Port tariff outlines rules and procedures for the shipment of hazardous materials through the marine terminals. Shippers must obtain permits for any containers with hazardous materials that move through the Oakland Seaport.
Not sure who to contact or have a general question? Use our contact form to route your request
Customer Service Center
The Port’s Customer Service Center (CSC) is an outreach office for the Port’s CTMP. The primary function of the CSC is to manage the Port Registry. At the CSC, trucking companies and truckers can access the following information and services:
- STEP Registration assistance
- Temporary STEP passes
- Temporary non-compliance passes for the truck ban
- General information about:
- Truck routes
- Seaport facility maps
- Port security
- Environmental requirements
NOTE: The Seaport is denoted by color shading, and generally includes marine container terminals and the OIG intermodal rail yard. The area adjacent to the OIG on the north, portions of the former Oakland Army Base, Schnitzer Steel, and Union Pacific Rail yard are on private land that is not owned or controlled by the Port; as such the CTMP does not apply to these facilities.
Customer Service Center Location & Hours of Operation
- 1425 Maritime Street (Sea-Logix Building) Oakland, CA 94607
- 7:00 AM - 4:00 PM
- (510) 267-1802
- [email protected]
Heavy Container Permit Program
On March 30, 1993 the Oakland City Council passed Ordinance No. 11568 which allows the Chief of Police to designate new roadways for the movement of heavy containers. This is to enable additional facilities to have access to Port marine terminals. For more information, please review the listed documents.
In order to serve a facility that is not on the current heavy container route, a trucker or trucking company must contact the Oakland Police Department’s Commercial Vehicle Enforcement Detail by phone or in writing:
Oakland Police Department Traffic Operations-Commercial Vehicle Enforcement Detail
2651 73rd Ave Oakland, CA 94605
Oakland, CA 94605 - (510) 777-8615
with a copy to:
Director of Public Works, Public Works Department
1330 Broadway
Oakland, CA 94612
Seaport Facilities Map
The Port of Oakland is the principal gateway for international containerized cargo shipments in Northern California, with 1,300 acres of marine terminals and maritime support facilities. This includes warehouses, refrigerated facilities and two, Class I, intermodal rail facilities. All shipping channels and 90% of berths at the Port are dredged to -50 feet. See the map for details.